How do we ensure talent meet deadlines?
It is difficult to deal with talent who do not meet deadlines and keep extending them. What we recommend is creating a culture where talent make time estimates as recommended here. Beyond that, if talent can’t hold true to their own deadlines, we recommend the following measures:
- Try more talent. Create a competition. Assign work to multiple talent and once one talent displays promising progress cancel the project for the less responsive or less prompt talent.
- Within reason, disapprove talent work sessions if their work ends up useless to you because the talent didn’t finish what they are doing or because they didn’t meet a non-negotiable deadline.
- LD Talent has measures in place to make sure you only interact with qualified talent. For instance they come from elite schools and they display proficiency through exams and projects. The matching algorithm monitors their past performance, past client satisfaction, responsiveness in Slack, reliability, etc. It also ensures that they are not overbooked and have time for your project. That being said, we recommend testing them out through a short assignment for 1-2 work sessions or through a text-based (or other) interview to make sure they exhibit the characteristics needed to deliver on the job reliably.