Anthony N
The star rating is a representation of the overall rating, calculated as the mean of the client satisfaction rating, the average client interview rating, and internal interview scores.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
Software Engineer Preferred Title
$20.00 /hr $ 90.0K /yr Hourly Rate and Yearly Salary
Basic Summary
LD Talent History - Average Count of Messages/Day 0.2
- Project Completion Rate 2/4
- Interview Acceptance Rate 4/6
- Timezone Overlap 30h PST, 68h UTC
- Design Practice 3.0/5
- Design Theory 3.0/5
- System Design 3.0/5
- Productivity and Responsiveness 3.0/5
- Agile Development Process 3.0/5
- Documentation 3.0/5
- Desktop Mac
- Phone Android
- Tablet iPad
- Profile Last Updated Dec 17, 2022
- Last Activity Dec. 17, 2022, 10:43 p.m. UTC
- Location Uganda
Profile Summary
Proactive Software Developer, with great experience in delivering modern, and intuitive web & mobile applications. True team player with a dedicated attitude towards lifelong learning, growth, adaptability, and accuracy to help your company achieve its goals and objectives.
Total Experience: 11 years
Laravel (3E, 7Y)
3 experiences, across 7 yearsKotlin (3E, 7Y)
3 experiences, across 7 yearsBootstrap (2E, 7Y)
2 experiences, across 7 yearsMySQL (3E, 7Y)
3 experiences, across 7 yearsDocker (7Y)
7 years of experienceHTML (3E, 7Y)
3 experiences, across 7 yearsPostman (2E, 5Y)
2 experiences, across 5 yearsAndroid Studio (5Y)
5 years of experienceGit (2E, 5Y)
2 experiences, across 5 yearsWordpress (2E, 2Y)
2 experiences, across 2 yearsJoomla (2Y)
2 years of experienceJavaScript (2Y)
2 years of experiencePHP
Weekly Availability
Timezone Overlap with 06 - 21 per Week: 30h PST, 68h UTC
06 - 19
08 - 19
08 - 19
08 - 19
08 - 19
08 - 19
22 - 11
00 - 11
00 - 11
00 - 11
00 - 11
00 - 11
- Interview Data
- Design Practice
- Design Theory
- System Design
- Productivity and Responsiveness
- Agile Development Process
- Documentation
Software Developer
Mar 2020 - Present
Kweracodes Inc Company
Healthcare Industry
Project: Covid19
- Built an appealing user interface and entire application using Kotlin used Retrofit to fetch and display API data.
- Used Android Studio as the IDE.
- Used Postman to analyze API responses.
- Git was used as the version control tool.
Backend & Android Developer
Jan 2020 - Present
Kweracodes Inc Company
Transportation Industry
Project: Motoka App
- Built an application API/backend using Laravel. Created several endpoints to be consumed by the mobile app and back office application.
- Used Bootstrap & Blade to design a compelling back office look. Customized the theme on the store and matched it up to the designs given by styling using HTML and Javascript.
- Built the mobile version of the application in Kotlin. Used Retrofit to consume the created API, Gson to convert the JSON API, and Glide to display images.
- Used Postman to analyze the fetched API data.
- Used MySQL as a data persistence storage.
Backend & Android Developer
Jun 2018 - Present
Killasites Digital Systems Company
Real Estate Industry
Project: Nyumba App
- Built Nyumba API/backend using Laravel. Created several endpoints including authentication to be consumed by the mobile app and back office application.
- Used Bootstrap & Blade to design a compelling back office look. Customized the theme on the store and matched it up to the designs given by styling using HTML and Javascript.
- Built the mobile version of the application in Kotlin. Used Retrofit to consume the created API, Gson to convert the JSON API, and Picasso to display images.
- Integrated with Firebase OTP SMS to verify the user's phone number.
- Used MySQL as a data persistence storage. Also, used Docker for containerization.
Backend Developer/TTL
Passion Project
May 2020 - Jul 2020
Andela/Facebook Company
Finance Industry
Project: Pulani
- Built Pulani API/backend using Laravel. Created several endpoints including authentication.
- Using Postman with other team members, we were able to analyze various created endpoints and document the created API.
- Used MySQL as the data persistent storage platform.
- Used Git as the version control tool.
Website Developer
Jul 2014 - Jul 2015
RBM Systems Consults Company
Ecommerce Industry
Project: RBM
- Built several e-commerce and normal websites using WordPress and Joomla CMSs, and used MySQL for the database.
- Customized website themes & templates and matched them up to the designs given by styling using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Bootstrap.
App Developer Intern
Jun 2014 - Jul 2014
StatsWorld Company
Technology Industry
Project: StatsWorld Consults Ltd
- Created database-driven website pages and graphics using Joomla, WordPress, HTML/CSS, PHP, and MySQL technologies.
- Learned about modern UI development technologies and approaches using CSS/Bootstrap.
Uganda Technology & Management University
Jun 2012 - Aug 2015
B.Sc (Computer Science)