Ayodeji A
Backend Software Engineer Preferred Title
$25.00 /hr $ 60.0K /yr Hourly Rate and Yearly Salary
Basic Summary
LD Talent History - Average Count of Messages/Day 0.2
- Project Completion Rate 2/4
- Interview Acceptance Rate 4/6
- Timezone Overlap 12h PST, 23h UTC
- Desktop Mac・Windows・Linux
- Phone iPhone・Android
- Tablet Android Tablet
- Member Since Feb 10, 2020
- Profile Last Updated Mar 06, 2023
- Last Activity March 6, 2023, 1:27 a.m. UTC
- Location Nigeria
Profile Summary
Hi there, I consider myself a highly motivated and passionate software engineer effective in full-stack software development. I have professional experience developing company core applications using GraphQL and Typescript/Python in a scalable microservice architecture while using modern software development tools and industry best practices. My core values include Excellence and Integrity.
Total Experience: 9 years
Nodejs (2E, 6Y)
2 experiences, across 6 yearsMongoDB (2E, 5Y)
2 experiences, across 5 yearsDocker (2E, 5Y)
2 experiences, across 5 yearsDjango (4Y)
4 years of experienceContinuous Integration (4Y)
4 years of experienceJavaScript (4Y)
4 years of experiencePostgres (4Y)
4 years of experienceHTML (4Y)
4 years of experienceCSS (4Y)
4 years of experienceReact (2E, 3Y)
2 experiences, across 3 yearsExpressJS (2Y)
2 years of experienceRedux (2Y)
2 years of experienceSequelize (2Y)
2 years of experienceTypescript (2Y)
2 years of experienceApollo GraphQL (2Y)
2 years of experience
Weekly Availability
Timezone Overlap with 06 - 21 per Week: 12h PST, 23h UTC
11 - 19
04 - 06
07 - 12
03 - 04
09 - 19
03 - 11
20 - 22
23 - 04
19 - 20
01 - 11
Backend Software Engineer (Node.js)
Apr 2021 - Present
Big Field Digital Company
Technology Industry
Project: Agro-fintech, Survey and Event Planning Applications
- Develop backend services with Nodejs (JavaScript) and Django Rest Framework
- Store data in MongoDB and PostgreSQL. Choice of persistence storage depends on the nature of the project.
- Deploy applications using the container technology, docker and include it in the CI/CD pipeline
- Build the Continuous integration and deployment pipeline for all projects using the Github Actions
Full Stack Developer
Apr 2020 - Apr 2021
Veegil Media Company
Media and Communication Industry
Project: Veegil Backend Microservices and React Client
- Used NestJS framework for microservices development of the core features.
- Utilized the RabbitMQ broker using the Remote Procedure Pattern to communicate between services as well as Data Science applications built with python.
- Utilized NextJS (React) for frontend development, with apollo graphQL
- Services are deployed in Docker containers and core development language is TypeScript.
- Using MongoDB as persistent layer in storing debate engine data
Software Engineer
May 2019 - Oct 2020
Andela Company
Technology Industry
Project: Authors Haven
- Worked in a team to develop the backend platform using NodeJS / ExpressJS and Sequelize ORM with PostgresQL.
- Designed the frontend mockup using Figma
- Developed frontend with React and Redux
Web Designer
Apr 2016 - Apr 2019
Freelancing Company
Technology Industry
Project: Wordpress Design
- Ensured high-performance and availability, and managed all technical aspects of the WordPress platform. Customized clients website with HTML and CSS
- Integrated WordPress plugins and optimized client websites.
Ahmadu Bello University
Sep 2011 - Nov 2015
B.Sc (Accounting)