Benard A
The star rating is a representation of the overall rating, calculated as the mean of the client satisfaction rating, the average client interview rating, and internal interview scores.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
Software Engineer/ Software Consultant/ FullStack Preferred Title
$20.00 /hr $ 34.6K /yr Hourly Rate and Yearly Salary
Basic Summary
LD Talent History - Average Count of Messages/Day 0.8
- Project Completion Rate 2/4
- Interview Acceptance Rate 4/6
- Timezone Overlap 48h PST, 36h UTC
- Desktop Linux
- Phone iPhone
- Tablet Android Tablet
- Member Since Jan 08, 2020
- Profile Last Updated Mar 12, 2021
- Last Activity Aug. 1, 2021, 5:36 p.m. UTC
- Location Uganda
Profile Summary
Experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Mobile Application Development (React-Native, Kotlin/Java), Web Development (React) and API Development. (Go) Stacks: React, React Native, TypeScript, Golang, Node, Express, Kotlin, Databases(MongoDB, Firebase, Postgres, MySQL, SQLite), Building APIs (REST, Graphql, GRPC)
Total Experience: 7 years
Redux (3E, 6Y)
3 experiences, across 6 yearsFirebase (2E, 5Y)
2 experiences, across 5 yearsReact native (5Y)
5 years of experienceReact (3E, 7Y)
3 experiences, across 7 yearsREST (2E, 3Y)
2 experiences, across 3 yearsGo (2E, 3Y)
2 experiences, across 3 yearsKotlin (3E, 3Y)
3 experiences, across 3 yearsDjango (3Y)
3 years of experienceAWS (2E, 3Y)
2 experiences, across 3 yearsAndroid native app development (2E, 3Y)
2 experiences, across 3 yearsSQLite (2E, 3Y)
2 experiences, across 3 yearsJava (2Y)
2 years of experience
Weekly Availability
Timezone Overlap with 06 - 21 per Week: 48h PST, 36h UTC
15 - 23
15 - 23
15 - 23
15 - 23
15 - 23
15 - 23
07 - 15
07 - 15
07 - 15
07 - 15
07 - 15
07 - 15
Lead Engineer
May 2020 - Present
Spotify Company
Arts and Entertainment Industry
Project: Bumu
- I have built messaging both chat and video, feed and status, tag and challenge features in react native.
- Using Firebase and its services for real time storage and authentication.
- Using Redux for state management.
Software Engineer
Jul 2019 - Dec 2020
Education Industry
Project: ISBAT
- I built the front end using react and redux.
- Using AWS for storage, hosting and a suite of other features AWS ships with.
- I used Go to build REST APIs that were being consumed by the applications.
- Using Redux for state management across the app.
Full Stack Developer
Jan 2020 - May 2020
Swipy Company
Retail Industry
- I built rating features, data analytics and ad features in Kotlin.
- Using Android native app development principles while working.
- Using Firebase for real time data storage and authentication.
- Using SQLite but to be more specific room for local storage in order to support offline support.
Software Engineer
Apr 2018 - Mar 2020
Andela Company
Technology Industry
Project: Health Checks, Wger & Converge
- Taking on roles as an Android Developer basing on Android native app development.
- Using Python knowledge to work on Django and Flask projects.
- I built software solutions in React and React Native.
- I used Kotlin to build Native Android Apps.
- I used Express and Go when building microservices and REST apis
Software Engineer
Nov 2018 - Apr 2019
Premise Data Company
Research Industry
- I built features that would help how Premise collects data using their app in Kotlin.
- Integrating the legacy code in Java with the new features built with Kotlin.
- Using my Android native app development skills to build features.
- Using Sqlite for local storage
Interview Reviews
Fairly responsive and detailed.