Prisca M
The star rating is a representation of the overall rating, calculated as the mean of the client satisfaction rating, the average client interview rating, and internal interview scores.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
Frontend Developer Preferred Title
$20.00 /hr $ 25.0K /yr Hourly Rate and Yearly Salary
Basic Summary
LD Talent History - Average Count of Messages/Day 0.2
- Project Completion Rate 2/4
- Interview Acceptance Rate 4/6
- Timezone Overlap 7h PST, 48h UTC
- No. of Passion Projects 1
- Software Engineering Process 2.0/5
- Design Practice 3.0/5
- Design Theory 3.0/5
- Technical Breadth 3.0/5
- Logical Thinking 3.0/5
- Technical Strength 3.0/5
- System Design 3.0/5
- Productivity and Responsiveness 3.0/5
- Teamwork 2.0/5
- Agile Development Process 3.0/5
- Intellectual Merit 3.0/5
- English Communication 4.0/5
- Documentation 3.0/5
- Desktop Windows
- Phone iPhone
- Tablet Android Tablet
- Member Since Feb 17, 2022
- Profile Last Updated May 30, 2022
- Last Activity Nov. 23, 2022, 12:40 p.m. UTC
- Location Nigeria
Profile Summary
I am a junior Front-end developer with an eye for good design and passion for excellency, looking for an opportunity to contribute to projects and also enhance my skills.
Total Experience: 5 years
CSS (5Y, 1C)
5 years of experience, with 1 courseReact (2E, 5Y, 1C)
2 experiences, across 5 years, with 1 courseJavaScript (2E, 5Y, 2C)
2 experiences, across 5 years, with 2 coursesMySQL (4Y)
4 years of experienceWordpress (4Y)
4 years of experiencePHP (4Y)
4 years of experienceAJAX (4Y, 1C)
4 years of experience, with 1 courseBootstrap (4Y)
4 years of experienceJSX
CSS Flex (1C)
1 courseHTML (1C)
1 coursejQuery (1C)
1 course
Weekly Availability
Timezone Overlap with 06 - 21 per Week: 7h PST, 48h UTC
10 - 15
07 - 15
07 - 15
07 - 15
07 - 15
09 - 15
10 - 15
02 - 07
23 - 07
23 - 07
23 - 07
23 - 07
01 - 07
02 - 07
- Interview Data
- Software Engineering Process
- Design Practice
- Design Theory
- Technical Breadth
- Logical Thinking
- Technical Strength
- System Design
- Productivity and Responsiveness
- Teamwork
- Agile Development Process
- Intellectual Merit
- English Communication
- Documentation
- Ongoing Evaluation
- Number of Lifelong Learning Projects1
Web Developer
Course Project
Jul 2021 - Present
Own Company
Education Industry
Project: Quiz App
- I used AJAX to fetch the quiz questions and answers from an external API.
- I used JavaScript to validate the chosen answers and display the results.
- I used bootstrap to style the various components.
LD Experience
Blog Projects
How to create a Quiz app using React, Material UI & Heroku
Apr 2022 - May 2022
Technology Industry
- I created a Quiz app using React, JSX and Material UI (for styling)
- I deployed the web app to Heroku.
Video Projects
How to implement django-tenant-schemas with a fixed URL
Sep 2020 - Jan 2022
Frontend Developer
- React
- JavaScript
- Wordpress
- Led user research for a new construction site documentation tool.
- Hosted workshops to synthesize user insights into design requirements.
- Designed 3D concepts and built prototypes to investigate new tool form factors.
- Researched existing digital solutions and prioritized key features for app release.
LD Ventures
Sep 2020 - Jan 2022
Frontend Developer
- React
- JavaScript
- Wordpress
- I used the Django Rest Framework to create a multi tenant API with the aid of the django-tenant-schemas package.
- I used the Postgres Database as the persistence layer and specifically the PostgreSQL Schemas to ensure that all tenants using the API had their data.
- I used the REST architecture in designing my API.
- Researched existing digital solutions and prioritized key features for app release.
University of Benin, Benin city.
Nov 2016 - Apr 2022