Seun A
The star rating is a representation of the overall rating, calculated as the mean of the client satisfaction rating, the average client interview rating, and internal interview scores.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
Software ENGINEER Preferred Title
$20.00 /hr $ 40.0K /yr Hourly Rate and Yearly Salary
Basic Summary
LD Talent History - Worksession Approval 100.0%
- Average Response Time 2.1 hours
- Average Count of Messages/Day 0.7
- Project Completion Rate 2/4
- Interview Acceptance Rate 4/6
- Timezone Overlap 14h PST, 56h UTC
- Earned Hours 12.00
- Desktop Mac
- Phone iPhone
- Tablet iPad
- Member Since Oct 16, 2019
- Profile Last Updated Feb 06, 2023
- Last Activity March 2, 2023, 9:21 a.m. UTC
- Location Nigeria
Profile Summary
I'm a fullstack software engineer with more focus on the frontend, I have solid experience bringing awesome designs to live with high performance/testing in mind.
Total Experience: 8 years
Ruby on rails (2E, 8Y)
2 experiences, across 8 yearsCSS (7Y)
7 years of experienceReact (2E, 7Y)
2 experiences, across 7 yearsTypescript (7Y)
7 years of experienceAWS Elasticsearch (7Y)
7 years of experiencejQuery (4Y)
4 years of experienceJavaScript (4Y)
4 years of experienceRSpec (4Y)
4 years of experienceReact native
Weekly Availability
Timezone Overlap with 06 - 21 per Week: 14h PST, 56h UTC
08 - 16
08 - 16
08 - 16
08 - 16
08 - 16
08 - 16
08 - 16
00 - 08
00 - 08
00 - 08
00 - 08
00 - 08
00 - 08
00 - 08
Software Engineer
Apr 2018 - Present
Ascent Technologies Inc Company
Legal Industry
Project: Customer App
- Built the backend with Ruby on rails and RSpec for testing
- Built the front-end using React, CSS and Typescript
- Built a robust search functionality with AWS Elasticsearch
LD Experience
Client Projects
Front End Developer
Oct 2019 - Nov 2019
AngelInvest Client's Company/Project
Utilites Industry
- Built the frontend for the mobile application using React, React native and Redux
- Make API calls to a python backend
Seun responded to all questions I had within 24 hours. He was knowledgeable and prompt when tasks were assigned. Most important, he asked questions on things that he was unsure about and made suggestions on ways to improve the UX for the app he was building. I would strongly recommend him.
Video Projects
How to implement django-tenant-schemas with a fixed URL
Sep 2020 - Jan 2022
Frontend Developer
- Ruby on rails
- React
- Typescript
- AWS Elasticsearch
- jQuery
- JavaScript
- Led user research for a new construction site documentation tool.
- Hosted workshops to synthesize user insights into design requirements.
- Designed 3D concepts and built prototypes to investigate new tool form factors.
- Researched existing digital solutions and prioritized key features for app release.
LD Ventures
Sep 2020 - Jan 2022
Frontend Developer
- Ruby on rails
- React
- Typescript
- AWS Elasticsearch
- jQuery
- JavaScript
- I used the Django Rest Framework to create a multi tenant API with the aid of the django-tenant-schemas package.
- I used the Postgres Database as the persistence layer and specifically the PostgreSQL Schemas to ensure that all tenants using the API had their data.
- I used the REST architecture in designing my API.
- Researched existing digital solutions and prioritized key features for app release.
University of Ilorin
Sep 2008 - Jul 2013
B.Eng (Mechanical Engineering)
Client Project Reviews
Seun responded to all questions I had within 24 hours. He was knowledgeable and prompt when tasks were assigned. Most important, he asked questions on things that he was unsure about and made suggestions on ways to improve the UX for the app he was building. I would strongly recommend him.