Dennis G
The star rating is a representation of the overall rating, calculated as the mean of the client satisfaction rating, the average client interview rating, and internal interview scores.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
OOP Developer Preferred Title
$20.00 /hr $ 31.0K /yr Hourly Rate and Yearly Salary
Basic Summary
LD Talent History - Worksession Approval 97.0%
- Average Response Time 3.8 hours
- Average Count of Messages/Day 2.5
- Project Completion Rate 2/4
- Interview Acceptance Rate 4/6
- Timezone Overlap 19h PST, 21h UTC
- Earned Hours 94.50
- Software Engineering Process 4.0/5
- Design Practice 3.0/5
- Design Theory 3.0/5
- Technical Breadth 4.0/5
- Logical Thinking 3.0/5
- Technical Strength 4.0/5
- System Design 3.0/5
- Productivity and Responsiveness 3.0/5
- Teamwork 4.0/5
- Agile Development Process 3.0/5
- Intellectual Merit 4.0/5
- English Communication 4.0/5
- Documentation 3.0/5
- Desktop Mac
- Phone Android
- Tablet Android Tablet
- Member Since Sep 15, 2021
- Profile Last Updated Jan 25, 2023
- Last Activity Sept. 13, 2024, 4:52 p.m. UTC
- Location Kenya
Profile Summary
I am a software engineer working on front and back ends. I enjoy creating interactive user interfaces that users are happy to use. I also enjoy creating back end applications that feed front ends with required resources.
Total Experience: 8 years
Flutter (3E, 5Y)
3 experiences, across 5 yearsAdobe XD (2E, 4Y)
2 experiences, across 4 yearsDjango (2E, 5Y)
2 experiences, across 5 yearsAngular (3Y)
3 years of experienceReact (3Y)
3 years of experiencePython (3Y)
3 years of experiencePostgres (3Y)
3 years of experienceJIRA (2E, 3Y)
2 experiences, across 3 yearsMySQL (2E, 4Y)
2 experiences, across 4 yearsSass (2Y)
2 years of experienceJava (2Y)
2 years of experienceSpring (2Y)
2 years of experienceHibernate (2Y)
2 years of experienceBootstrap (2Y)
2 years of experienceProduct Lifecycle Management
Product Management
Quality Assurance QA
Weekly Availability
Timezone Overlap with 06 - 21 per Week: 19h PST, 21h UTC
11 - 13
18 - 21
18 - 21
18 - 21
18 - 21
18 - 21
15 - 19
03 - 05
10 - 13
10 - 13
10 - 13
10 - 13
10 - 13
07 - 11
- Interview Data
- Software Engineering Process
- Design Practice
- Design Theory
- Technical Breadth
- Logical Thinking
- Technical Strength
- System Design
- Productivity and Responsiveness
- Teamwork
- Agile Development Process
- Intellectual Merit
- English Communication
- Documentation
- Code Quality
- Code Readability
- Soft Skill Attributes
- Project Management Ability
Lead Mobile Developer
Mar 2019 - Apr 2021
The ATiC Company
Technology Industry
Project: Enterprise Resource Planning
- Built user interfaces using React / Typescript with sass and Angular / typescript
- Python-Django rest framework was used to build APIs. Postgres was used as the data sink. Models were created in python and migrations created the table structure.
- Adobe XD and Illustrator were used to design user interfaces prior to coding them out. This was very efficient in the sense that stakeholders were able to change things in design as opposed to code.
- Flutter was used to develop cross platform mobile apps deployed for both iOS and Android.
Full Stack Developer
Nov 2016 - Jul 2017
Netrix Business Systems Company
Technology Industry
Project: Electrol Boundaries - Candidate registration Portal
- Used Jira was for project management and tasks assignment. User stories were derived and assigned to junior developers.
- Java for backend and Java Server Faces (Primefaces) with sass was used for the front-end.
- Spring in Spring Framework was used for dependency injection and bean management. Singletons were used and these interfaced spring services provided services app-wide.
- Bootstrap was used as a framework to lay out the user interface using the grid system.
- Hibernate was used to abstract the data layer and provide models that were used in the ORM instead of raw SQL queries. MySQL was used as the base data sink to persist data for the application.
LD Experience
Client Projects
Full Stack Developer
Feb 2022 - May 2022
PipeDreamers Foundation Client's Company/Project
Project: PipeDreamersFoundation
- Built adaptive user interfaces using Dart (Flutter). Clean architectures and design patterns were used to ensure code is mantainable, testable, and simple.
- Built a back-end using google's firestore and used firebase console to do app monitoring.
- Used JIRA to manage the project, track, and assign tasks.
- Used Adobe XD to get access to designed UIs, deduce layout specifications and come up with an app theme.
Dennis is very detail oriented and make ensures that he understands the assignment. He also has no problem with working with other developers.
Video Projects
How to implement django-tenant-schemas with a fixed URL
Sep 2020 - Jan 2022
Frontend Developer
- Flutter
- Adobe XD
- Django
- Angular
- React
- Python
- Postgres
- Led user research for a new construction site documentation tool.
- Hosted workshops to synthesize user insights into design requirements.
- Designed 3D concepts and built prototypes to investigate new tool form factors.
- Researched existing digital solutions and prioritized key features for app release.
LD Ventures
Sep 2020 - Jan 2022
Frontend Developer
- Flutter
- Adobe XD
- Django
- Angular
- React
- Python
- Postgres
- I used the Django Rest Framework to create a multi tenant API with the aid of the django-tenant-schemas package.
- I used the Postgres Database as the persistence layer and specifically the PostgreSQL Schemas to ensure that all tenants using the API had their data.
- I used the REST architecture in designing my API.
- Researched existing digital solutions and prioritized key features for app release.
Technical University of Mombasa
Sep 2012 - May 2016
B.Tech (Information Communication Technology)
Jan 2021 - Mar 2021
Certificate (Design Mobile Apps: UI/UX)
Client Project Reviews
Dennis is a detail oriented and talented developer.
Dennis is very detail oriented and make ensures that he understands the assignment. He also has no problem with working with other developers.
Interview Reviews
Feedback received from the client and recorded by LD Talent.no response from talent in interview channel