Trevor K
The star rating is a representation of the overall rating, calculated as the mean of the client satisfaction rating, the average client interview rating, and internal interview scores.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
The client satisfaction rating is the weighted average of client ratings, with weights based on reviewed work hours. When no client rating exists, the approval fraction (approved vs. reviewed work hours) determines it.
If the client satisfaction rating exceeds the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. In the absence of client ratings, if the average client interview rating is higher than the overall rating, it becomes the star rating. If no data is available, the star rating defaults to the internal interview score.
Full Stack Developer (FE Heavy) Preferred Title
$31.25 /hr $ 90.0K /yr Hourly Rate and Yearly Salary
Basic Summary
LD Talent History - Worksession Approval 99.0%
- Average Response Time 6.1 hours
- Average Count of Messages/Day 1.0
- Project Completion Rate 2/4
- Interview Acceptance Rate 4/6
- Timezone Overlap 17h PST, 42h UTC
- Earned Hours 93.50
- Software Engineering Process 5.0/5
- Design Practice 3.0/5
- Design Theory 3.0/5
- Technical Breadth 4.0/5
- Logical Thinking 4.0/5
- Technical Strength 5.0/5
- System Design 3.0/5
- Productivity and Responsiveness 3.0/5
- Teamwork 5.0/5
- Agile Development Process 3.0/5
- Intellectual Merit 5.0/5
- Documentation 3.0/5
- Desktop Mac
- Phone Android
- Member Since Nov 11, 2020
- Profile Last Updated Apr 15, 2023
- Last Activity Oct. 9, 2024, 8:49 p.m. UTC
- Location Kenya
Profile Summary
I am a skilled Full-Stack developer with a Frontend-Heavy focus. I have great aptitude for growth and adapting to new environments. My entire career has just been building production ready apps in fast paced startup environments and I'm proud to see my work being used by a number of clients. I have a keen eye for detail and deliver a high quality work in my given time bounds. Will be a pleasure working with you and making you some great stuff.
Total Experience: 6+ years
Sass (3E, 5Y)
3 experiences, across 5 yearsEmber.js (5Y)
5 years of experienceNodejs (2E, 5Y)
2 experiences, across 5 yearsLaravel (4E, 3Y)
4 experiences, across 3 yearsReact (3E, 3Y)
3 experiences, across 3 yearsHTML (2E)
2 experiencesShopify (2E)
2 experiencesApollo GraphQL
React native
ChartJS (2Y)
2 years of experiencePHP (2Y)
2 years of experienceAdobe XD (2Y)
2 years of experiencePhotoshop (2Y)
2 years of experience
Weekly Availability
Timezone Overlap with 06 - 21 per Week: 17h PST, 42h UTC
09 - 16
09 - 16
09 - 16
09 - 16
09 - 16
09 - 16
00 - 05
01 - 08
01 - 08
01 - 08
01 - 08
01 - 08
01 - 08
16 - 21
- Interview Data
- Software Engineering Process
- Design Practice
- Design Theory
- Technical Breadth
- Logical Thinking
- Technical Strength
- System Design
- Productivity and Responsiveness
- Teamwork
- Agile Development Process
- Intellectual Merit
- Documentation
Front End Developer
Apr 2020 - Present
Anapanda Company
Technology Industry
Project: Asha
- I built a google/Jira like user profiles where almost unique icon colors are generated for new users with no profile images with Ember.js components and used SASS for stylling.
- I built the admin dashboard for admins to track entrepreneurs feedback on surveys filled in allignment wirth the entrepreneurs KPIs using CSS grids and SASS to style my ember components.
- I added charts so that entreprenuers can visually compare their revenues and expenses with time using ChartJS.
- Built a popover component that handles all custom popups, tooltips and modals on the entire platform.
- Worked with nodejs, knex, objection js and postgresql on the backend for the CRUD for commitments, comments and snaps. Worked queries and routes to do the summary of commitment activities.
Full Stack Developer
Aug 2021 - Dec 2021
Sovtech Company
Ecommerce Industry
Project: Farmer to Farmer
- The backend is build off of NodeJs with an Apollo Graphql server.
- The Frontend is build off of React with an Apollo GraphQl Client.
- The frontend uses Chakra UI and some custom styled components I built out for 3D Cards and buttons.
- The backend is a mix of Graphql and REST mad epossible by Strapi.
Software Engineer
Nov 2020 - Jan 2021
Modtechy Limited Company
Technology Industry
Project: Decision Technology Africa
- I designed the UI for the website on adobe XD and also generated some icons with XD.
- I used photoshop to enhance images and also to generate some icons.
- The frontend website is fully built with laravel. I used livewire to give it the SPA feel in shop pages while exploiting laravel components to build out most of the parts. The styling is in SASS.
- I used laravel jetstream as the base to build out the backend. Cuts on a lot of PHP code to do with Auth and initial setup and session management.
- I added some stats for the admin dashboard using chartjs and built into the website emails, orders and all other core functionality.
Software Engineer
Jul 2019 - Oct 2019
Andela Company
Technology Industry
Project: Watchtower
- I built laravel backend api endpoints for a feature that enabled managers to view and also approve or reject different candidates who applied to join their teams.
- I implemented the frontend for candidate listing, aproval and rejection using React JS, React Native and SASS.
- I built a frontend feature that enables a page to transition smoothly when hiding and showing asides that are by default hidden and also ensured no overflows in the data.
- I worked on modals for confimation and also updated buttons to enable loading to occur withibn the button after an action is called.
- I was in a SCRUM setting and we had 2 week sprints with daily standups.
Full Stack Developer
Jun 2019 - Aug 2019
Compwiz Creations Company
Technology Industry
Project: Compwiz CRM
- I built the client viewing, adding, editing funtionality using Laravel.
- I built the prroduct and service CRUD and charging functionalities which included sendiung invoices and making updates upon invoice payments with Laravel.
- I built the invoice PDF generation functionality.
- I used HTML and CSS to build all client, product and service views while using Jquery and Ajax to send requests to the server.
- I implemented a double-entry like structure where assets, expenses and incomes were computed and also generated a balance sheet for this.
Full Stack Developer
Feb 2019 - Jun 2019
Compwiz Creations Company
Technology Industry
Project: Wavuti Shule
- I used laravel to develop the backend for the Kenyan 8-4-4 curriculum exam module to allow teachers to feed in results for students the totals, averages and positions are computed and generate report.
- I used Jquery/AJAX to send requests to the backend to create & update records for student results by teachers.
- On an e-learning update, added an online examining module to enable teachers to set questions of different types and also display formated questions to students to answer using Laravel \.
- On the e-learning update, I used vanilla JS to hangle most of the frontend displaying logic and JQuery/AJAX to send requests on question creation.
- I used HTML and CSS for creating views in both exam modules.
LD Experience
Client Projects
Jan 2023 - May 2023
Janji Client's Company/Project
Ecommerce Industry
- Learned and improved janji's website with Shopify. Used CSS and SASS to style the layout of the pages.
- Handled custom events javascript events to bring about awesome UXes on the client's website
Video Projects
How to implement django-tenant-schemas with a fixed URL
Sep 2020 - Jan 2022
Frontend Developer
- Sass
- Ember.js
- Nodejs
- Laravel
- React
- Led user research for a new construction site documentation tool.
- Hosted workshops to synthesize user insights into design requirements.
- Designed 3D concepts and built prototypes to investigate new tool form factors.
- Researched existing digital solutions and prioritized key features for app release.
LD Ventures
Sep 2020 - Jan 2022
Frontend Developer
- Sass
- Ember.js
- Nodejs
- Laravel
- React
- I used the Django Rest Framework to create a multi tenant API with the aid of the django-tenant-schemas package.
- I used the Postgres Database as the persistence layer and specifically the PostgreSQL Schemas to ensure that all tenants using the API had their data.
- I used the REST architecture in designing my API.
- Researched existing digital solutions and prioritized key features for app release.