Vladimir F
Software Engineer Preferred Title
$31.25 /hr $ 48.0K /yr Hourly Rate and Yearly Salary
Basic Summary
Vetting Summary - Code Quality 60%
- Soft Skill Attributes 60%
- Expertise 2/3
- Coding Challenges 60%
- No. of Lifelong Learning Projects 2
- No. of Coding Challenges Completed 2 More details
- Desktop Linux
- Phone Android
- Member Since Sep 04, 2020
- Profile Last Updated Aug 07, 2020
- Last Activity Oct. 1, 2020, 7:14 p.m. UTC
- Location Cameroon
Profile Summary
I'm a full stack engineer with experience developing backend APIs and single page applications. I love working with JavaScript. On the frontend, I love using Vue.js and Node.js and Deno on the backend. Apart from JavaScript, I also have a lot of experience working with Java in web development using Spring Boot.
Total Experience: 3+ years
Spring (2E, 4Y)
2 experiences, across 4 yearsVue.js (2E, 3Y)
2 experiences, across 3 yearsPostgres
HTML (2E, 2Y)
2 experiences, across 2 yearsCSS (2E, 2Y)
2 experiences, across 2 yearsSass
JavaScript (2Y)
2 years of experienceHTTP (1C)
1 courseJava (3C)
3 coursesRust (1C)
1 courseAssembly (2C)
2 coursesVisual Basic (1C)
1 courseC++ (1C)
1 courseTCP/IP (1C)
1 courseTensorflow (1C)
1 courseMachine learning (1C)
1 course
Weekly Availability
Timezone Overlap with 06 - 21 per Week: 14h PST, 49h UTC
09 - 16
09 - 16
09 - 16
09 - 16
09 - 16
09 - 16
09 - 16
01 - 08
01 - 08
01 - 08
01 - 08
01 - 08
01 - 08
01 - 08
- Interview Data
- Agile Development Process
- Productivity and Responsiveness
- Teamwork
- Software Engineering
- Logical Thinking
- Technical Strength
- Intellectual Merit
- English Communication
- Documentation
- System Design
- Coding Challenges60%
- Algorithms Score60%
- General Score60%
- Easy Algorithm
- Correctness60%
- Performance60%
- Medium Algorithm
- Correctness60%
- Performance60%
- Hard Algorithm
- Correctness60%
- Performance60%
- Expertise2/3
- Design Patterns and Architectures2/3
- Debugging2/3
- Stack Traces2/3
- Testing2/3
- System Administration2/3
- Soft Skill Attributes60%
- Entrepreneurial60%
- Whole Brained60%
- Divergent Thinking / Creativity60%
- Design Ability60%
- Empathy60%
- Project Management Ability60%
- Security60%
- Code Quality60%
- Complex Logic60%
- Models60%
- Controllers60%
- Templates60%
- APIs60%
- Training/Testing Data Models60%
- Code Readability60%
- Ongoing Evaluation
- Number of Lifelong Learning Project2
- Number of Coding Challenge Completed3
Front End Developer
May 2020 - Aug 2020
Knack Company
Arts and Entertainment Industry
Project: Knackapp
- Implement responsive feature UIs from the designers using HTML, CSS and Sass with Angular.
- Improve LightHouse performance of pages by optimizing images and SVGs through compression, using appropriately sized images and embedding some images using Base64 encoding.
- Designed a new authentication flow for our single page application using JWTs, HTTP only cookies and cross site request forgery tokens.
Passion Project
Jul 2018 - Aug 2020
Auth0 Company
Technology Industry
Project: Technical Writing
- Developed sample applications to demonstrate how to integrate OAuth 2.0 latest security specifications using Auth0’s SDK and frameworks like Spring Boot, Vue.js and Express.js.
- Researched, wrote and reviewed articles on web development tools and frameworks such as Vue.js, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Reactive, Retrofit (HTTP client) and Java developer tools.
Software Engineer
Passion Project
Jan 2020 - Feb 2020
Myself Company
Technology Industry
Project: HTTP server in C
- Built a TCP socket server in C with an HTTP parser, a least recently used (LRU) file cache (implemented with a doubly linked list and hashtable) and a thread pool for handling multiple connections
- The threadpool was implemented using native threads and a queue
Software Engineer
Passion Project
Dec 2019 - Jan 2020
Myself Company
Technology Industry
Project: Maze Generator
- Built a maze generator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the P5.js animation library. This implementation uses a depth first search algorithm with recursive backtracking.
- This algorithm could also be easily tweaked to get a player out of a maze.
Co-Founder/Software Developer
Passion Project
Jun 2019 - Dec 2019
HealthStack Company
Healthcare Industry
Project: Laboratory Information System
- Developed a rapid prototype of a web client application using the Vue.js framework, Vue Router for routing between different views, Vuex for data management and IndexedDB for data storage.
- Re-designed the database from PostgreSQL to support the variable nature of the app’s data and offline-online data synchronization using CouchBase (NoSQL) database and developed a Nodejs backend API.
- Authentication (OAuth 2.0 Password Grant) and authorization with JWT and cookies, and WebSockets to support frontend real time dashboards.
- Improved the load time of HealthStack’s Vue.js app by 10% using lazy loading and code splitting, and also reduced the size of the JavaScript bundle sent to the browser.
- Deployed instances of the Nodejs backend API as Docker images to AWS container service and added a load balancer for load distribution.
Software Developer
May 2017 - Aug 2018
Mifos Initiative Company
Finance Industry
Project: Mobile Money Gateway
- Collaborated with developers in the community to build a design document for a mobile money payment gateway and designed an Entity Relation diagram for the MySQL database schema.
- Built a payment gateway service which allowed microfinances accept/make payments through mobile money using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring REST, MySQL and Retrofit (HTTP client).
- Built a Spring REST application with Retrofit (HTTP client) to test the mobile money gateway via Beyonic’s ? mobile money API.
- Improved the performance of the payment gateway service at scale by adding a AMQP message queue to cache requests when they come in.
Ashesi University
Aug 2014 - Jun 2018
Bsc (Computer Science)